More API will be add soon.

Send GCODE M565 to start print file cache.gc

function start_p(){
		url: "set?code=M565",
		cache: false
	}).done(function(html) {

Send GCODE M566 to rename file cache.gc

M566 newfilename.gc

Get printing status

	var c=data.charAt(data.length-1);
	if (c=='I')
		$("#stat").text("Status: Idle");
	else if (c=='P')
		$("#stat").text("Status: Printing");
	else $("#stat").text("Status: ");

Send Control command {P:X} to cancel print

function cancel_p(){
		url: "set?cmd={P:X}",
		cache: false
	}).done(function(html) {

Set extruder temperature

function pad(num, size) {
    var s = "000" + num;
    return s.substr(s.length-size);

var value=pad($("#wre").val(),3);
	url: 'set?cmd={C:T0'+value+'}',
	cache: false
}).done(function(html) {

Stop preheat heat bed

		url: "set?cmd={C:P000}",
		cache: false
	}).done(function(html) {

Set printing speed:

1X Speed: {C:S10}
1.5X Speed: {C:S15}
5X Max

Enable fast mode for web uploading:

GCode: S value can be 2~6
M563 S6

Send gcode though websocket interface:

var ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.onopen = function () {

High speed web downloading:

M563 S6